Traditionally managed by farming families and a cradle of alpine dairies. The Josef Rupp cheese hiking trail is harmoniously embedded in the pastureland on the edge of forests and with a wonderful view of Lake Constance.


Part of this path is designed as a nature trail. Twelve illustrated boards explain the hiker clearly and impressively interesting facts about the production of Vorarlberg cheese from the (pitch) fork to the (cutlery) fork. This path is also intended as an educational trail about partnerships related to rural production and provides information about relationships between farmers and alpine dairies, innkeepers and trade. The connection between farm work and production and the preservation of the unique landscape can be realistically understood directly on site.

Zwei Frauen schauen auf ein Schild beim Käselehrpfad Zwei Frauen schauen auf ein Schild beim Käselehrpfad

This circular hiking trail was named after Josef Rupp in recognition of the commitment of the founder of the private cheese dairy Rupp in Lochau in favor of rural concerns. This family business, now in its third generation, is one of the farmers' most important partners in the care and marketing of hard cheese. In the Rupp cheese warehouses, 9,000 loaves of top-quality mountain cheese mature for at least six months under careful professional supervision.

The Käsewanderweg is a family hiking trail with serviced rest stops, sightseeing opportunities and small farm shops whose operators offer their own farm products. Not far from the trail are the Jungholz Hinteregg, Lutzenreute and Rucksteig alpine dairies. Visitors find the crowning glory of the hike with delicious cheese variations and dishes from farm specialties in the inns of the region.

Zwei Wanderinnen auf dem Käselehrpfad am Pfänder Zwei Wanderinnen auf dem Käselehrpfad am Pfänder