
Bregenz harbour area


Bregenz Tourismus & Stadtmarketing in cooperation with Weinremise Hörbranz present manufacturers with their products at the Bregenz harbor.

In addition to excellent wines, one or the other winemaker will also offer fine brandies from their own production for tasting.

The products presented grow and thrive in Burgenland, Weinviertel, Wagram, Kamptal, Traisental, Styria and also on the German shore of Lake Constance.

You will have the opportunity to talk directly to the producers about their products, to taste them or to purchase them. Of course, you can place orders with the participating vintners to fill up your wine cellar or take one or the other bottle directly home. Wine and spirits are also accompanied by something "solid" and this year, too, this will be provided for: in addition to a hearty Brettljause, freshly prepared fish dishes, among other things, original Vorarlberg Käsknöpfle will also be prepared.

Weinhändler präsentieren Interessierten ihren Wein am Handelsstand Weinhändler präsentieren Interessierten ihren Wein am Handelsstand