Bodensee Card PLUS

SIMPLE, clever und flexible: Bodensee Card PLUS – Your ticket to the 4-Country-Region

Pay once - over 160 free included services including Lake Constance boat trips.

Cardholders can discover attractions in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein carefree and without any additional expenses. Included are numerous experiences on land, in the mountains and on the water - from Lake Constance classics to newly opened excursion destinations. And the highlight is that you can spread the experience days over the respective calendar year.


Valid on 3 or 7 individually selectable days throughout the year from 01 January - 31 December.
Free one-time admission to around 160 service partners
Free use of scheduled boat services on 2 (Bodensee Card PLUS 3 days) or 4 days (Bodensee Card PLUS 7 days)
Accepted across borders in the entire international Lake Constance region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Principality of Liechtenstein)
Express check-in at many excursion destinations

The Bodensee Card PLUS is available in the webshop at, at almost all tourist information offices on the lake, at the points of sale of the regular shipping services and at many excursion destinations.


A boat trip on Lake Constance is a special highlight: the ships of the Vereinigte Schifffahrtsunternehmen für den Bodensee und Rhein (VSU) (United Shipping Companies for Lake Constance and the Rhine) connect the lakeside towns in Germany, Austria and Switzerland from April to October. And with the Bodensee Card PLUS, you get free travel on all these liners. As often and as much as you like on 2 (Bodensee Card PLUS 3 days) or 4 days (Bodensee Card PLUS 7 days).

Not included are the Constance-Meersburg ferry connection, the Constance-Friedrichshafen catamaran and the Bodman-Überlingen route.


The TOP attractions are THE stars among the excursion destinations and worth a visit at any time. With the Bodensee Card PLUS, all TOP attractions can be experienced at no extra cost. These include:

  • Affenberg Salem (DE)
  • Burg Meersburg (DE)
  • Dornier Museum Friedrichshafen (DE)
  • Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen (DE)
  • Pfänderbahn Bregenz (AT)
  • RAB-ErlebnisBusse (DE)
  • Säntis Schwebebahn (CH)
  • Schloss Salem (DE)
  • Skywalk allgäu (DE)
  • Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen (DE)



In addition to the Lake Constance classics, the doors to many other attractions around Lake Constance are open to you! The Bodensee Card PLUS is valid at a wide range of mountain railways, museums & cultural institutions, castles & palaces, beach, open-air & indoor swimming pools as well as thermal baths, nature and leisure facilities and, of course, city tours.

Buy Bodensee Card Plus now


Discover the versatility of the region with the Bodensee Vorarlberg Leisure Card - no matter what time of year!

The Bodensee-Vorarlberg Leisure Card is valid as an admission ticket for over 40 excursion destinations. Also travel comfortably and free of charge by bus and train throughout Vorarlberg and even to the border stations in Lindau (Germany), St. Margrethen Buchs (Switzerland) and St. Anton am Arlberg. You can obtain the card from Bregenz Tourismus & Stadtmarketing at Rathausstraße 35a, among others.

More Information

Validity and price

1-day ticket …………………………. € 16,-
2-day ticket ………………………….. € 25,-
3-day ticket ………………………….. € 32,-
Children and teenagers (6-15 years) pay half price each.
Children up to 5 years are free when accompanied by an adult.

Example day #1 for families

Ascent and descent with the Pfänder cable car: in addition to a unique view over Lake Constance, beautiful circular hiking trails, an alpine wildlife park with forest slide and a large playground await you on the Pfänder.
vorarlberg museum: a discovery tour through culture and art, where children's curiosity is also aroused with games and puzzles.
Martinsturm: the landmark of Bregenz offers a magnificent view over the city and lake and inside a permanent exhibition as well as changing special exhibitions

Regular price for this day: € 59.40 (as of February 2023, family with 2 children)

Example day #2 for families

inatura Dornbirn: a very special kind of museum that amazes children and adults - lots of things to try out, experiment with, discover and learn about life for yourself
Ascent and descent on the Karren, Dornbirn: enjoy the view of Lake Constance and the Rhine Valley and the Swiss mountains, with the glass viewing platform providing a special experience.
Bus and train travel for the whole day

Regular price for this day: € 72,50 (as of February 2023, family with 2 children)

V-Card 2023

What can you discover and experience in Vorarlberg? The V-CARD from Vorarlberg Tourism offers suggestions for entertaining excursions. It invites you to visit over 80 destinations in Vorarlberg and Liechtenstein between 1 May and 31 October. You can use it to travel by cable car to the most beautiful hiking areas, visit museums, excursion destinations, indoor and outdoor swimming pools. Each of the participating destinations can be visited once free of charge. In addition, the V-CARD grants multiple discounts at the bonus partners.

In Bregenz, for example, you can ride the Pfänderbahn, visit the Kunsthaus Bregenz and the vorarlberg museum or visit the Martinsturm.

Card details

EUR 78,- for adults
EUR 39,- for children
Children up to 6 years of age are admitted free of charge when accompanied by their parents with a V-CARD & do not need their own V-CARD.

Family pass holders receive the V-CARD as usual at a reduced price:
EUR 58,- for adults
EUR 29 for children

The family pass discount is available to all family pass holders who purchase at least 1 adult ticket.

Since July 2014, grandparents can also take advantage of the reduction with the Vorarlberg Family Pass instead of parents. For example, if the parents have already obtained a V-CARD via the Family Pass, the grandparents pay the regular price of EUR 69 per person, and vice versa. Grandparents only receive the family pass reduction if they are on the card instead of a parent. People with disabilities who need a permanent companion receive a free V-CARD for their companion (see enclosure - disabled pass sample). The card type "V-CARD Adult Free" is available to all sales outlets in the selection.

The V-Card is available at Bregenz Tourismus, Rathausstraße 35a.

More  Information